July 21, 2007

Kids at heart...........

Look what was waiting in my pond for me when I got home from work on Friday!!! Roomie had the day off due to a very sore tooth and he went out and bought us each a toy boat to float on the pong..........and so without further ado I present to you...............

the S.S. Jeffy and the S.S. Bubbles!!! And if you have to ask which is whose......well I ain't telling nuttin.......suffice it to say that the nickname Bubbles is not one of my fonder ones!!!

Here they are docked at port getting supplies to head out on their 3 hour tour.....

Venturing bravely into uncharted waters......."looks like there's rough waters up ahead Gilligan...we'd best turn back before it's too late!!"

Landing safely at another port of call.......Maggie has to check things out.....she's not too sure about boats........now toads are an entirely different story.....if there is a toad in the pond, or any where around the pond it is Maggie's firm belief that they are there solely to plot the overtake of HER (because, afterall, it is all about Maggie don't you know)back-yard which she fiercely defends!! Boats she's pretty sure are also up to no good but for not seems to be giving them the benefit of the doubt.

Heading out again to make another attempt at making it across the rough seas........things get ugly at this point....well you remember what happened to Gilligan and the rest of the crew don't you.......**shudder**.....too frightening to go into detail........it's the stuff of nightmares!!!

And this is, after all, a friendly blog.........so instead I will give you a picture of my ever-lovin' roomie.....bless his lil heart!! Here he is bbq'ing up a storm for our supper.....:)

He is such a sweetheart and things have been working out even better than I could have imagined after 3 months of him being here. Not that I was anticipating any problems.....we've known each other for many, many years.....but we all know how dynamics can change once you live under the same roof with someone.....but really such has not been the case!!

Ok....let me go on just a bit more about what a sweatheart he is.....cuz, well I'm just in that sort of mood.....all mushy-gushy and sentimental like!!!

When I was gone for 10 days in May looking after my nephews while sis and hubby went on a trip for their 20th wedding anniversary.......my dear, sweet roomie busted his butt all week long, after working long hard days to plant my entire front yard!!!!

You saw some of the pictures in my previous post..........OMG!!! It was such an awesome surprise to come home to.....he planted all the flowers in the big flower bed, created a bunch of beautiful, colourful planter pots, including one with gorgeous purple and yellow pansies in a little wooden wheelbarrow AND bought me the awesome Inukshuk you see in the big flower bed!!

What was the occasion you ask??

Well, the entire thing was for my birthday.........now how absolutely sweet is that???????????

10 peeps just sayin':

Beth said...

Great looking pond, wonderful saga re: the pond-faring S.S. Jeffy and S.S. Bubbles (bubbles??) - and I want a roommate like yours!

Anonymous said...

What a great story! He is indeed a super-roomie...

Me. Here. Right now. said...

Glad that's working out and he's a fun playmate too!

Middle Girl said...

A sweetie, indeed!

Trish Ess said...

Roomie rawks! :)

Anonymous said...

What a cute little idea! I love the boats. Very cute.

Attila the Mom said...

Love that pond! Your roomie sounds like a great guy. :-)

Bitter Betty said...

I never had a roomie that I didn't want to bury under those pretty flowers let alone call one sweet. Until I met my boy, that is. :)

And I want one of those boats!

Anonymous said...

Ok hon...time for a new post

Anonymous said...

Schwartzenegger insists the victims of the 2007 Southern California firestorm temporarily residing at Jack Murphy Stadium are happy.
First he calls Tonight Show host Jay Leno an "idiot". Then he drops this bomb.
If it were Gray Davis the gods would have their media attack him mercilessly for these mistakes. Together they may be enough to cost any other politician his career. But not Arnold Schwartzenegger.
They say he makes comments like these all the time, clues which are all buried. And it's because they have BIG plans for him::::He is a tool who will be used to accomplish historical evil for the gods.

They say there is a sense of "unease" at the State Capital, like he doesn't belong there. And he doesn't. He is not American. Sadly this is an issue that is too readily discounted:::::
He is not from the United States. His loyalties lie with a country that was the enemy of the United States a mere 65 years ago.
Just as we witnessed with Clinton in 1992 expect blacks to register and vote en masse for Schwartzenegger as well, a clue and a red flag.

Just as we haven't seen any more of that "Everybody is happy." idiocy from the Preditor so do we no longer hear anything of the possibility a firefighter started one if not more of these SoCal fires, buried forever.
Weight training, promotion of pharmeceuticals, desensitizing "guy flicks" all prove the name "Preditor" is warranted.