October 22, 2007

Imagine that...........

How sweet is this?? My 2nd day back in blogland and look what I get...........

Sometimes it pays to go away and come back again!!

This lovely award was bestowed upon me by my friend Trish over at Incoherent-ish (not to be confused with my sis Trish over at The Coffee Shop ) although what made her decide to honour me with an award is beyond me!! All I can think of is that not only is she a very nice person but she is sweet as well (roflmao Trish....NICE and SWEET.....are ya gagging yet hon???). Trish should be cringing something aweful right 'bout now.....see she works very hard at being many, many things in her blog presentation.....strong, funny, gutsy, sarcastic, opinionated to name but a few......nothing wrong with those characteristics by any means......but something tells me it must have taken great deal of courage and strength for her to receive the nice award and to pass it along.....can't fight it Trish.....just accept that you're nice and sweet too!!

Thanks for the welcome back Trish............mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

OK.....enough gushing.....now to pass this award on to the next person cuz that's what linky-love is all about no?? I am going to pass this award on to Nina over at Closer to Fine cuz, well, lotsa reasons......I love the name of her blog......one of my favourite Indigo Girls songs......some of her posts I can really relate to....particularly meaningful to me recently was her post titled The Virtual Therapy Couch and well she just strikes me as a great blogger trying to find her way in this world like the rest of us are!!

Sayonara and sleep well folks..........

5 peeps just sayin':

Middle Girl said...

Indeed, nice matters. Congrats, well deserved!

Anonymous said...

Oh fer jumpin's sake woman!! Now you're giving me all sorts of linky-love just when I've hung the sign on my door and gone on blogging vay-cay.

Glad you're back and all but *sheesh* ...the timing.

Me. Here. Right now. said...

You deserve it!

nina michelle said...

Congrats hon! I am honored and grateful for the kindness!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree. Totally well-deserved girl!