Such interesting things to think about aren't they?? The idea of filling something up then squirreling it away somewhere to be found by someone many years from's what Wikipedia says briefly about time capsules........
.........A time capsule is a historic cache of goods and/or information, usually intended as a method of communication with people in the future. Time capsules are sometimes created and buried during celebrations such as a World Fair, cornerstone laying for a building or other event. They can also be unintended caches such as at Pompeii. The phrase "time capsule" has been in use since about 1937, but the idea is as old as the earliest human civilizations in Mesopotamia.
Time capsules can be classified into two types: intentional and unintentional. Intentional time capsules are placed on purpose and are usually intended to be opened at a particular future date. Unintentional time capsules are usually archaeological in nature. Discoveries of cultural significance are often found in standard archaeological digs as well as those from volcanic eruptions such as Pompeii and Vesuvius.........Interesting to think about to be sure either way.....intentional or unintentional....but I had a very bizarre experience the other day that made me think of time capsules in a different sort of way......a mental time capsule.......
Let me explain a bit.....and, I should add, I have no clue if this will be conveyed in quite the same aura as it occured in.......
I was at the gym the other evening going hell bent, killing myself just doing my average thing on the treadmill and a fellow passes in front of me.......he looked instantly familiar and yet I knew him not. As I continued on the hamster-wheel the treadmill, the recognition of him kept working in my brain, niggling away up there as thoughts sometimes was bugging the living daylights out of me!! For the life of me I could not figure it out as I kept staring at him stealing glances his way trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together.
Suddenly it hit me.......this was someone I had gone to University with 25+ years ago and not seen since that time!! But the image in my mind was of the man 25+ years ago as I knew him then......there was SUCH a disconnect going on in my brain....looking at this middle aged, gray haired, slightly paunchy man in front of me....but in my mind's eye was the exact same fellow 25+ years ago. It was too freaking weird....almost surreal.....I guess I've had similar experiences happen but it made me wonder about mental time capsules.
Do most people encapsulate people, places, times, things in their minds like that??
10 peeps just sayin':
I think so...
I ran into a lady at the grocery store in my old hometown last year.
Took me a week to realize that she was my 9th grade teacher. Boy, did she seem old to me then! LOL
Oh yes. When I am looking at facebook at my old highschool friends I cannot believe we are all 40+ years old. They look so familiar, but not. No more 17 year-olds there.
I, of course have not changed a bit.
I know I do - that's why it's so disorienting visiting places and seeing people from my past.
Perhaps that's why I'm not so keen on reunions?
I have this one good friend from back home. I saw him for the first time in 25 years last year when he came out to California to visit. Of course he's different, but man, he looked just the same he did when he was 17 to me. I hear ya'.
At my 20 year reunion, I wanted to yell at my friends that they were going to get in trouble for drinking.
i am right along with you. saw someone this weekend i had not seen in about 10 years, grey, holy crap. but as mentioned in an above comment, i have not aged at all (yeah right).
thanks for coming over to my page and commenting. i have been so busy i havenot had a chance to write a proper post, i am glad you are still one of my faithfuls! happy monday!
I run into people who recognize me and even call me out. I know them not. For me--those times, those folks--once out of sight-out of mind.
echo*hello hello hello*echo
Post much?
Come on girl, you can do it - post again this month! Huzzah!
Sounds very "normal" to me. Used to happen to me so often and now, with blogs and myspace, it really is easy to cross paths with someone you used to know "in another lifetime". Sometimes it feels that way, doesn't it? Like you change into a completely different person over time and life experiences..
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