October 12, 2006

To my neighbours to the south of me.......

......and that would be just about ALL of you...........

LOOK WHAT THE F**K WE GOT TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yup...you read that right.....October 12, 2006.....sheeeeeeeeeeesh!!!!

Someone remind me again why I live in this part of the world????????

This is my very own backyard....taken about 10 seconds ago!!!

Ain't technology grand...snap a pic...load it up....for the world to see!!!

But the snow suckssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.....ack!!!!

12 peeps just sayin':

chapin said...

Yikes...I'm not ready for winter. We did turn the heater on last night because a frost is coming tonight.

WenWhit said...

Snow is best enjoyed in a half-assed winter state like Virginia, where it's just uncommon enough that people freak over the first flake... and I get a free day off from work.

Drewpy Drew said...

I love snow!!!!!!!!! I live in a mild marine climate, so it's rare down in the flats. At least I can go see it in the moutains.

Please send some snow to my blog. I'll take all that you don't want.

xxxx said...

I haaaaaate winter!!

Steve H said...

my vote would be for 75 degrees and sunny all year.

sorry to hear about winter's early arrival.

The Guy Who Writes This said...

Isn't that considered a heavy front in Ontario?

Unknown said...

Hotwire....that would truly be my dream climate!!!

Guy....dunno what it's considered...I consider it nasty stuff!!

And Drew....be careful what you wish for...if this keeps up you may find about 5 months of snow on your doorstep!! I would give anything to live in a mild marine climate like yourself!!

Syd said...

WTH is that red thing with the power cord? Looks like a Dirt Devil. Surely, you aren't THAT crazy...?

Unknown said...

roflmao Syd....actually it's a leaf blower cuz we have a shitload of leaves AND just the day before it had been calm and sunny so I was using it......to blow the leaves SILLY!!!

Ok ok so maybe it shouldn't be left out in the wet snow....but who knew we would be having snow this early?????

Syd said...

It actually makes perfect sense to me. Sounds exactly like the kind of thing K yells at me for on a regular basis. Imagine that.

weese said...

why do people live in canada. seems inhospitable.
looks like you got caught in the snow before you brought in your tikki torches.
i was so inspired by this - we brought ours in this weekend.
(note to self, never leave the leaf blower outside)

Unknown said...

roflmao weese!