December 20, 2006

Happy holidays...........

Hopefully this is politically correct enough to cover all the bases!! I thought it was cute AND funny..........

Points to Ponder........
A bus station is where a bus stops.
A train station is where a train stops.
On my desk I have a work station..........

5 peeps just sayin':

Middle Girl said...

First, love the slide show.

Second--seriously dude..what a hoot! -seriously.

I was watching some talking heads-talking about Best Buys (& other companies) edict to their employees to not say "Merry Christmas" to any customers...

I don't think they know about your little fella here. They'd probably thank you. ;)

mist1 said...

He looks like a guy that I used to share a duplex with.

The Mad Hatter said...

You clever girl, I feel like I'm coming to a free movie watching that slide show ...

O and the guy, he looks like someone I used to smoke weed with, back in the day ... actually, I wonder has he got any on him ;-D

Kisses purple chick XxXxXxXxXxX

Syd said...

Oh, I think that pretty much covers all bases.

[LOL at Mad Hatter]

Anonymous said...

NOW who's got the funny pictures!


We are on the same wave length here sis 'cuz I posted about the same kinda thing.