.....one can only HOPE it goes out like a lamb!
Today's drive home looked something like this.............
Someone remind me again why I still live in this god-forsaken, frigid, winter wasteland???
I mean if I could live here and not HAVE (ie. like to attend to that annoying little thing called work) to drive in weather like this .....things would be peachy.....I really do like the different seasons......but this......THIS just about gives me heart (not to mention renal) failure each and every time!!! And the older I get the worse the phobia (it really is verging on that) seems to become.........ACKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I work about 40 minutes from where I live and today it took me over 2 hours to get home. When I left this morning I was chuckling just a little as school's were cancelled before anyone even woke up and yet there was nary a flake of snow in the air!!!
I was choking on that chuckle on my way home this afternoon.....choking and cursing at the same time....not a pretty sight!! Now thankfully I travel on country highways which is a blessing and a curse at the same time....a blessing in that there really isn't as much traffic as on a major highway and what traffic there is - drivers appear to be quite content to go nice and slow and give each other lots of room....a curse in that, at times, the visibility is even worse on a country highway with wide open fields for the wind to be whipping the snow around!

To add to my trauma today....as well as to remind me that sometimes we truly do have guardian angels watching out for us.......about 1/2 way home I made a quick stop at a coffee shop just for a breather and to get rid of some ice crusted on my windshield wiper blades. Wouldn't you know it.......some random piece of plastic snaps off of one of the blades. After muttering a few curse words prayers and hoping for the best I continued on my way. Finally made it safely into town and, while stopped at a set of light, my injured wiper blade goes flying over the top of my car......the set of lights I was at??? RIGHT beside a little Mom & Pop service center!! I AM a lucky girl!!!
Phewwwwwwwww.........at this point I am chanting my Hail Mary's and prepared to get on my knee's and kiss the ground!!! Sooooooo I am happy to report that I made it home in one piece and after greeting the dogs I bundled up to spend an hour or so clearing the driveway along with the rest of the neighbourhood.....it was a regular ol' freakin' party out there!!!
And the snow is supposed to continue to midnight at which point it's supposed to turn into rain with a possible thunder-storm overnight........what the what????? ONLY in southern Ontario can you have bizarre weather combo's like that!!!
Now.......somewhat calmer, drier, warmer and on my way to bed......after remembering my gratitude......I am more than ready to give ol' man winter the ol' one finger salute...........
...........photo courtesy of my sister.......:)
8 peeps just sayin':
Lovin' the pic.. 'cause.. well.. you know where I am. LOL
And where the hell have you been? No Boo comments lately. My feelbads.. they're hurt.. injured, even!
Have I done something to offend.. erm.. more than usual?? :D
In case you've forgotten - you know, since it's been so long since you've dropped by...
27th blog on the left. Really... you can't miss it.
Love n' kisses,
Consider your ass kicked. ;)
Ho-leee shit!
Don't worry, Boo. It will all melt in time for black fly season ; )
Want me to send you info on moving to Oregon?
Glad you got home safe and sound. Thanks for reminding me why I live in the south.
Your weather looks terrible! I am so glad we got a mild winter here in Boston.
Wow! Look at that snow! Good grief!!! Stay warm and bundled up inside! Hot cocoa should do the trick!
Yeah, you know, I'm ready for winter to be over. OK. It can be over now ... I'm waiting ... waiting ...
Love that picture!!! How fortunate for you that your wiper mishap happened where it did! I hate to say it, but I'm not in the least bit ready for winter to be over yet. I'm still loving it!
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